Leap of Faith

So What is a Leap of Faith?

I spoke about wanting to document my leap of faith journey, but what exactly is a leap of faith?!

If you google the term, you'll find:

- a leap of faith is the act of believing in or accepting something outside the boundaries of reason.

Essentially, a leap of faith is making a big, sometimes drastic or difficult, change (leap) and operating on the belief (faith) that things will work out!

When it comes to chasing dreams, or pursuing a passion or side hustle, people leap so they can focus on that thing. For some this can look like handing in their resignation and giving up work altogether, whereas for others it may be giving up a career for part time work.

However people take that leap, it'll usually come with a level of risk or sacrifice, sometimes both. For me, my leap of faith came in the form of sacrifice when I left my 9-5 job.

I had thought about taking a leap of faith many times but was always afraid - as most people are. But when my job deleted my post and gave me the option of redundancy or applying for a different role, I saw my chance to really focus on what I wanted to do - my books and tour management.

I was super scared of having no income, and then I was presented with an opportunity to work for SliderCuts. The role was perfect for me! It was flexible, allowed me to work from home, and came with a support system that helped me to elevate in what I was trying to do.

But is it really a leap of faith if you haven't given up everything?
The simple answer is yes.

Although I didn't completely give up working, I did make a sacrifice by taking a pay cut and giving up some of the perks that come with having extra money.

What's important to remember is that your leap should be about you.

So, do you think you're ready to take that leap of faith?

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