Casey ElishaLeap of Faith

3 Things You Can Do When It’s Time to Take a Break!

The all work and no play mentality is for the birds! Rest is key when it comes to being productive and it's about time we realise it's okay to take a break! You need rest in order to give the world your best self. This is especially important when working for yourself or managing your own workload, as it's so easy to get caught up working because you, generally, enjoy what you do.

There are so many ways you can take a time out, but here are 3 really good ways (in my humble opinion) to press pause and take a break!

Take yourself on an Artist's Date!
Julia Cameron wrote a book called The Artist's Way. In the book she talks about The Artist's Date, a creative break she encourages creatives to take to feed their creativity by "replenishing our inner well of images and inspiration." I personally think the idea of an artist date can apply to anyone, though I guess the inspiration it provides may be more directly beneficial to someone in a creative field.

An artist date can be anything that's fun, and completely takes you away from your work. Think about something you'd enjoy, that isn't related to your work. and just do it! Whether that be going to a paint class, going to the cinema or doing something completely out the ordinary like bungee jumping. The only requirements are that it be fun, and not directly linked to your work.

Book a spa treatment!
This doesn't have to be super expensive. Sites like and Groupon make it easier for people to treat themselves for an affordable price. The great thing about a spa treatment is that, most of the time, you can't do anything else while it's happening. You can't have your phone out, you can't be responding to emails, you just have to sit, relax and let the treatment be done. The most you're going to do is have a conversation with the therapist and, even then, that's not compulsory! The beauty of a spa treatment is that it'll leave you feeling great, so this is a perfect way to take some time out!

Book a flight!
Now I know this isn't the easiest thing to do. There's a lot to consider when booking a trip - finances, time etc - but a holiday is always a good way to press the reset button.

My recent trip to LA was the first time since leaving my 9-5 that I took a holiday and actually didn't do any work! Okay, so I did take a couple of meetings here and there (when would I next be in LA to take up the opportunity?!), but I didn't take my laptop out at any point to do work or respond to emails!

This was a big deal for me because I'm always doing some kind of work. If it's not for Love Thy Fro and my books, I'm working on SliderCuts, if it's not SliderCuts, I'm working on tour management, if it's not that I'm looking into a new project.

My mind is always ticking but LA gave me some time out, something I believe is really important for productivity and effective working. The mind needs rest! Though I made sure the trip was productive and I didn't pass up any opportunities to network, I made sure I enjoyed myself and had a good time!

Holidays do sometimes need a bit of planning - we can't all just get up and go - but this can work in your favour as it lets you plan your rest time as opposed to waiting until you're at your wits end to do something.

BONUS - Switch off from social media and technology!
However you decide to take time out, I encourage you to use that time to also switch off from social media and technology. It's amazing how much time we spend being consumed by Instagram, Twitter, the TV or the laptop. From seeing what's trending, to catching up on ratchet TV (my guilty pleasure), it's easy to find ways to preoccupy ourselves online.

I personally find that, whenever I stay on my phone when I should be resting, my mind stays active and I end up being more tired than before. I also often find myself switching to emails, remembering to do something or deciding to "quickly" finishing off a piece of work. Completely switch off, and allow your mind to chill.

There are loads of other ways to take a break. Let me know some of your favourite ways to take some time out and chill!